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Senior Dog Day at the Winnegamie Dog Club got me to thinking about exercise programs for Senior dogs. Most veterinarians define senior dogs as any dog over the age of seven years. Keeping our dogs fit is an important step in keeping them healthy as they enter their prime years and beyond. Best practices for canine fitness programs follow the same general guidelines as does human fitness programs.

  • Strength training every other day, 3 times per week
  • 30-60 seconds between sets
  • Perform a cardio workout daily such as leash walking, swimming, or a gentle game of fetch.

It is important to take it slow, especially if your dog hasn’t been particularly active lately. Watch for signs of fatigue such as:

  • Shaking or weakness in limbs
  • Dog walks away from work
  • Panting
  • Your dog can’t do more reps in proper form

If your dog presents any signs of fatigue, stop the exercise, and try again another day. Start over the next day with fewer repetitions and gradually work up to more. Observe your dog, she will tell you how much is enough if we will listen. Want to learn more? Contact me today.